06/27/2024 - The 8th Charitable Wine Tasting event took place at Georgian Restaurant Bevri in Los Altos, California. We raised $225 to fund the shipping of three Fluoroscan X-ray units generously donated by Hologic Inc. "Many a little makes a mickle." Thank you to everyone who participated.

12/2023-01/2024 - 50 tourniquets, 45 combat bandages, 5 IFAKs, numerous medications and supplemets were sent to Ukrainian doctors. 2250$ were spent for the tactical medical supplies and 1000% for medications.

09/22/2023 - our 7th fundraiser event helped us raise 1000$. It is becoming a good tradition for us and restaurant Bevri to serve people good Georgian vine for good cause. We are looking forward to see you on our next events!

Sometimes we are receiving video reports from the frontlines. At this video a combat doctor who is tirelessly saving soldier`s lives shares a heartfelt promise: the supplies and medications sent from the US to Ukraine are making difference.

Together we can make a difference!

07/13/2023 We hosted our 6-th charitable wine tasting at Bevri restaurant in Los Altos, California. Among delicious Georgian Amber wines we served Ukrainian Stefania Sparkling Wine and offered a couple of souvenirs made in Ukraine for sale during an event. All collected funds were turned into medical supplies requested by Ukrainain millitary doctors and nurses.

06/2023-07/2023 - We succesfully packed and shipped 2 bags full of tactical medical supplies. Among others we sent:

  • 10 IFAKs;

  • 10 I-jel airways;

  • 130 CAT tourniquets;

  • 50 CELOX gauzes;

  • Power bars and non-parishable food for soldiers

We were deeply honored to receive this medal from Ukrainian defenders. At our non-profit, the gratest reward is knowing that we have made a difference and saved lives. This medal symbolizes the appreciation of the people who receive a tactical supplies from us. Together we are making a lasting impact.

05/31/2023 We would like to thank Maansey Rishi for organazinig an Art Fundraiser with all donations going to Donum Vitae non - profit. We would also like to thank everyone who participated in reading the play and Ukrainian poetry, everyone who came to the event, donated the art, money and time. Thank you for grate converstion during the event.

During an event Maansey raised 3300$ that she generously donated to Donum Vitae.

05/26/2023 We are pleased to announce that three shipments of surgical instruments and tactical medical supplies have reached their destination in Ukraine. We are extremely grateful for the generous donations and support from our community that made this possible.

These supplies will be incredibly valuable for Ukrainian defenders and healthcare workers who are working tirelessly to save lives and fight for freedom. Your contributions will make a significant difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Thank you again for your support and for making this mission a success. We couldn't have done it without you.


Donum Vitae

05/12/2023 With the overwhelming generosity of our donors, we were able to collect 100 pounds of medical supplies for Ukrainian defenders! Some supplies were ordered by people from our Amazon list. Tourniquets and surgical supplies were ordered with money that we raised on fundraiser events. We are grateful for your support and believe that victory is coming. Glory to Ukraine!

05/06/2023 Together with Bevri restaurant we held an Amber-Wine tasting fundraising event. We want to thank to our guests and supporters. We raised 860$ from the event! All proceeds from the event will go towards three missions thta we carently working on. Stay tune for further updates.


We are very grateful to Maansey Rishi who is organizing Arts Fundraiser with all proceeds going to our non-profit. This isn’t about being a Ukrainian to help. It’s about all people coming together to help the suffering of another human beings.

The event is scheduled for May 31. All details are here - https://donorbox.org/ukrainian-play-reading/fundraiser/maansey-rishi

04/07/2023 Another part of medical aid arrived directly to the frontline. Thanks everyone for your support. Our work is continuing untill we see its not needed anymore.

03/02/2023 Such a night! '“Donum Vitae”, “Green Wolf Food” and Bevri have gathered togheter in Art House Sf Gallery for a good cause - for supporting Ukraine!

Our guests were able to try delicious vegan food, tried Ukrainian and Georgian wines and meet amazing and talented Ukraianin artist Alyona Krutogolova through her fantastic art pieces.

We raised 1600$. All proceeds will go towards supporting Ukrainian defenders.

02/11/2023 Together with Bevri restaurant and Cross Roads Specialty Food we held a charitable wine-ChaCha tasting. Thank to our guests and supporters. You made this evenng unforgatable. We raised 1700$ from the event! All proceeds from the event will go towards millitary hospitals needs

01/31/2023 The horrible reality of war: Christmas gifts are not anymore cute and cozy. Together with our donors we sent first aid kits, tourniquets and thermal rescue blankets to the war zone on Bachmut.

12/29/2022 Donum Vitae co-founder Boris Polissky did amazing Christmas family photoshoots in our small, but cozy photo studio. All funds were donated to the foundation.

P.S. We bought 12 IFAKs (individual first aid kits). Kits and medical supplies donated from our Amazon shopping list were sent to Bachmut, Ukraine.

11-27-2022 We are currently buying holidays gifts for the kids in Ukraine. (toys, warm clothes, gifts)

We will safely ship these to be distributed by our friends and volunteers in Kyiv and Lviv before the end of the year.

P.S. Thank to everyone who ordered and donataed gifts for kids. All collected stuff reached Ukraine. More updates are coming soon.

10/28/2022 Mobile X-ray unit “Fluoroscan”, generously donated by Hologic Inc, was delivered to Kharkiv Regional Traumatology hospital.

Thank to “ Everbright Foundation” and Ukrainian non-profit organization “Kolo” for made this happen.

10/7/2022 Together with restaurant “Bevri” and wine distributor “Aral Wines” we hosted our 3d wine testing. We served Ukrainian sparklin wine and georgian wines during our event. All collcted funds have been donated to Donum Vitae Foundation.

09/07/2022 Valerie traveled to Western Ukraine and delivered 2 suitcases of Medical supplies for frontline hospitals.

Our foundation also received a special “thank you” from a Ukrainian colonel for providing millitary first aid kits.

We are trying to respond to every request from Ukrainian Volunteers and doctors when they asking for medical supplies and medications.

08/30/2022 Hospitals continue to provide medical care despite constant shelling in Kharkiv region. Modern medical equipment is vitally necessary. We handed over the new InSight FD Mini C-arm x-ray machine worth 40 thousand dollars from Hologic Inc to the Department of Health Care in Kharkiv, Ukraine.

* We thank non-profit foundation “Kolo” for providing help with custom service and logistic.

07/20/2022 We found a way to deliver supplies quick and effective. Volunteers from the US are traveling to Poland and delivering suitcases with medical and tactical supplies to Poland. They also established logistic from Poland directly to Ukraine. Delivery takes from 7-10 days now! Through the volunteers, we already delivered 2 suitcases with medications, Urologic supplies and Firsts Aid kits to Ukraine.

07-17-2022 Our Wine Tasting Fundraiser Bervi, Los Altos was a success.

We raised:

  • $1015 from wine tasting tickets

  • $100 from selling 4 handmade Ukrainian heart pendant

  • $920 from auctioning 2 authentic Ukrainian stamps “Russian ship go…”

  • $230 from other donations from our guests .


When we started our non-profit we wanted to make sure that every penny collected goes exactly where it’s intended. 2 weekends ago we did a kids science picnic and participated in a fundraiser fare. We raised $1700 thanks to very generous donations.

Yesterday we packed individual first aid kits with the supplies purchased from the weekend’s contributions. Here is a good example of where all donations go.

5-25-2022 One of our packages got delivered to Dnipro. Ukrainian military medic is reviewing the package. His comments are golden. “Soldiers and Volunteers will win this war'“

05/11/2022 - our medical supplies got delivered to the team of military medics in Dnipro. They are holding up Israeli bandages which are some of the most helpful tools for wounds.

05/09/2022 - we’ve had quite a busy and eventful weekend. We hosted our first Science Picnic focusing on a fun learning experience for the kids. We also joined a fundraiser at Stanford University. Altogether we raised enough money to buy 30 CAT (Combat Application Tourniquets) and put money aside for upcoming purchases

05/06/2022 - our 3th and 4th package have successfully arrived to Ukraine. This one contained IVs, IV starter kit, catheters, Israeli bandages, colostomy bags, intraosseous device, scalpels and much more.

04/30/2022 - Valerie is back after 2 weeks as a medic at the refugee camp on Polish-Ukrainian border. Lots of stories to tell and share. All that is coming in near future

Read more in our blog

4/28/2022 - as we have emphasized all medical supplies we collect, but and ship to Ukraine as distributed directly to clinics or specific individuals. In this case a military medical doctor in Dnipr has received Israeli Bandages we sent. Loved the bandages and said they truly make a difference in what he does every day.

4/20/2022 - After an adventure 150 pounds of medical supplies, that were generously donated by “Palo Alto Mind Body clinic” made it withValerie to Przemysl, Poland. The supplies were sorted with some staying in the refugee camp, some already given directly to our volunteer Daria who came to Poland. They will travel to Ukraine and spread among hospitals.

4/11/2022 - Our founding member Valerie volunteered for medical deployment to Polish-Ukrainian border through Global Disaster Relief Team (gdrt.org) and is flying there on Saturday April 16 for 2 weeks. She’ll be taking as much medical supplies as she can possibly take.

4/9/2022 - our first package with medical supplies has arrived to Daria - our team member in Ukraine. We tested the first package to make sure logistically and timewise everything is working.

3 more large packages including IVs, catheters, emergency bandages, gauze rolls and more are on the way.

110 Pounds of medical supplies were sent to Ukraine.